FP&M SETA Accredited programmes!
- US 13915/8494: Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding of HIV-AIDS in a workplace
- US 119567: Perform Basic Life Support and First Aid Procedures
- US 120496: Provide Risk-Based Primary Care First Aid in the Workplace
- US 376480: Provide First Aid as an Advanced First Responder
- US 252250: Apply Firefighting Techniques
- US 9964: Apply Health and Safety to a Work Area
- US 13223: Apply Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Procedures
- US 242668: Demonstrate Knowledge and Application of the Occupational Health and Safety Act ,85 of 1993 (OHSA) (as amended) and the Responsibility of Management in terms of the Act.
- US 116455: Apply Safety, Housekeeping, Environment Practices and Legal Requirements when working on Machines and Equipment.
- US 244073: Receive, handle and store hazardous chemicals safely
- US 120335: Investigate workplace incidents
- US 120330: Conduct a continuous risk assessment in the workplace